STA3000 - Advanced Theory of Statistics


May 10

Here are the solutions to the final exam. I will email each student their marked exam and final grade in the course shortly.

April 21

In question 4(f) the notation $ J ( x \rightarrow ||x||, D(x) ) $ is the Jacobian factor you need to go from the density for x to the joint density for ||x||, D(x). I used a different notation in the notes but this notation is quite common too.

April 20

Take-home exam is here. Please write your solutions on the exam paper, scan the completed exam and send to me by Friday, April 24 at midinight. If there are ambiguities or questions just email me and I will post the answers here.

April 17 - Final Exam

The exam will be posted here around mignight Sunday, April 19 and will be due midnight Friday, April 24.

April 14 - Returned Assignments

Send me an email and I'll scan in and send you the marked assignments.

April 12 - Solutions to Assignments 3 and 4 posted

All the solutions for Exercises 4 are now in Solutions under Exercises.

April 2 Typo in Assignment 4

There is a typo in #6(c) as the last sentence should read "Show that G leaves the decision problem invariant." So the word "function" is replaced by"problem".

March 31 Hints for #6

So for #6 answer the following questions:
  1. what is the group
  2. how does it act on the sample space
  3. what is a transformation variable and the maximal invariant and what is their joint distribution (they are independent here so you really only need the distribution of the transformation variable to get the Pitman estimator as you don't need to condition on the maximal invariant)
  4. how does the group act on the parameters space
  5. what is the parameter of interest and is it equivariant, if so what is the induced action
  6. is the loss function invariant
  7. what does it mean for an estimator to be equivariant for this problem
  8. what is the Pitman estimate (namely what minimizes the relevant integral - this follows from least squares)

March 31 - Assignment 4 and the material on invariance

March 27 - Point of confusion caused by my notation

In the notes on p. 103 I defined a 1-parameter exponential family as taking the form

(1) f_theta (x) = exp{theta*T(x) -A(theta)}

but this family is also commonly written as

(2) f_theta (x) = gamma(theta)exp{theta*T(x)}

so gamma(theta)=exp{-A(theta)}. Unfortunately in the proof of Theorem 5, I used the representation (2) and didn't catch that I had used (1) in the definition. To add to the confusion I also used gamma_1 and gamma_2 when determining the size of the test to specify the randomization probabilities and these have no direct relationship with gamma(theta).

March 25 - Final Exam Update

The instructors for STA2201, STA2211 and STA3000 have discussed the timing of their final exams. These will be held in the first, second and third weeks after the end of classes with some days in between two exams. Consult with the other instructors concerning their specific dates. The STA3000 exam will begin on Monday, April 20 and is to be handed in (scanned and emailed to me) on Friday, April 24. Let me know of any concerns.

March 23 - Final Exam

There has been a request that this be held off until at least April 17. I will try to accommodate this but in part this depends on the School of Graduate Studies. So for now consider the date to be TBA. If this causes anyone problems please contact me. Also it would be good to know when the exams are for the other courses being taken by the Ph.D. students so we can schedule the STA3000 exam appropriately.

March 22

March 20

For #2 in Exercises 4 you don't need closed form expressions. Rather, indcate how you would compute the test and confidence region using R. You don't need to write a program just indicate how you would go about designing such a program. For the confidence region indicate how you would form a region based on a grid of theta values equispaced in [0,1].

March 15

I have now put up all the notes on Invariance (earlier notes modified). So the notes up encompass all the material that will be covered in the course. I planned to do some more on inference but, given current circumstances, it seems best to end on this topic.

The material on invariance is perhaps the most complicated topic coverecd in the course, I recognize that this may make for some difficulties in trying to learn this by yourself but it is an important topic and it is necessary to cover the topic for a credible course on decision theory.

Given the difficulty of the material I will modify Assignment 4. Exercise #4 will still be on but not #5 which will be replaced by another question. For both questions there are examples in the notes that can serve as templates for doing the questions. I think this will make the Assignment easier,

March 15

Office Hours

Immediately after class on Mondays 1-3 in SS6026D.


Roughly speaking I plan to cover the following topics with some things covered in greater depth than others.


There will be 3-4 assignments for 60% of the mark and a final worth 40%. This will comprise 50% of the mark in the course.


I won't use a specific text but students may find the following references useful:


The course website is

Class Notes

Please note that these are very rough notes.
